Enotnost religij
The prophet and founder of the Baha’i Faith, Baha’u’llah, said clearly that God has two main reasons for establishing religion: God’s purpose in sending His Prophets unto men [...]
The prophet and founder of the Baha’i Faith, Baha’u’llah, said clearly that God has two main reasons for establishing religion: God’s purpose in sending His Prophets unto men [...]
Če želimo, da družba resnično napreduje, je treba odpraviti vse vrste predsodkov, pa najsi gre za predsodke, ki temeljijo na spolu, rasi, veri ali statusu. Že samo prepričanje, [...]
Bahá'u'lláhov temeljni nauk je enotnost sveta človeštva. V nagovoru človeštvu pravi: Vsi ste listi enega drevesa in sadovi ene veje. -- Bahá'u'lláh S tem je mišljeno, da je [...]
In fact, Baha’is see the investigation of the truth as every person’s most important life aspect. We all have minds, hearts and souls. When these three powerful instruments [...]
The Baháʼí Faith teaches that the world should adopt an international auxiliary language, which people would use in addition to their mother tongue.The aim of this teaching is [...]
'Abdu'l-Bahá je znanost opisal kot "najbolj plemenito" od vseh človeških vrlin in kot "odkrivalka vseh stvari". Nauki Baha'i navajajo temeljno skladnost znanosti in religije. To stališče izhaja iz [...]
Pravice moških in žensk morajo biti enake. Ženske morajo biti deležne enakih pravic do izobraževanja. To jim bo omogočilo, da se usposobijo in pridobijo kvalifikacije ter napredujejo na [...]
Progressive revelation is a core teaching in the Baháʼí Faith that suggests that religious truth is revealed by God progressively and cyclically over time through a series of [...]